Tuesday 3 January 2012

100 THINGS RESEARCH//OUGD405 (100 advertisements/quotes)

Advertisements in the sixties for popular brands:
100 TV advertisements in the sixties/quotes:
1.After eight mints-1965
-Voiceover: Luxury … pure unashamed luxury … After Eight wafer-thin mints.
2.Cadbury's Contrast-early 1960's
-I like a man who likes me enough to buy me Cadbury’s Contrast.
3.Cadbury’s Dairy Milk chocolate (2): 1965
-Mother just about manages to close a jam-packed suitcase - then child brings teddy bear. She awards herself the CDM for closing it.
Voiceover: Have you been sent packing today? Award yourself the CDM!

4.Cadbury’s Dairy Milk chocolate (3): 1965
Man at tailor’s being measured for a suit.
Voiceover: Have you had a trying day? Award yourself the CDM!

5.Cadbury’s Snack (1): 1960s
Music!Bridge that gap,  Bridge that gap,  Bridge that gap  With Cadbury’s Snack! Music! Sixpence!
6.Fry’s Chocolate Cream (2)
I want to be alone, I want to be alone,
Me myself at home sweet home,
Leave the oysters in their bed,

Sweet call[?] for champagne,
Tell the casino that I’ll miss the next game,
I don’t want to dress up, I dont want to dine,
Come up and see me some other time,
I want to be alone with Fry’s Chocolate Cream.

7.Fry’s Medley: c.1963
Music!Do yourself a favour — have a Medley …
Chocolate bar with the fruit surprise.
Do yourself a favour — have a Medley!
Real fruit flavour — NEW FROM FRY’s!

Milky chocolate covered — that’s a Medley!
Real fruit too — that’s the fruit surprise!
Do yourself a favour — have a Medley!
Fruity Medley … NEW FROM FRY’s!Music!

8.Mars Bar (2): 1965
Life is full of fun if you know how to enjoy it, and a Mars bar helps you to enjoy life even more.
You see Mars gives you energy while you work, nourishes you while you relax, keeps you going while you play.
A Mars a day helps you work rest and play — because glucose and sugar, milk and chocolate are all in Mars!
Yes a Mars a day helps you work rest and play.

9.Nestle’s Milkybar (1961)

Music!The Milky Bar Kid is tough and strong,
The Milky Bar Kid just can’t go wrong,
The Milky Bar Kid only eats what’s right,
That’s Milky Bar, it’s sweet and light,
Nestle’s Milky Bar.
The Milky Bar Kid is strong and tough
And only the best is good enough,
The creamiest milk, the whitest bar,
The goodness that’s in Milky Bar
Nestle’s Milky Bar.Music!
The Milky Bars are on me!
10.Rowntree’s Fruit Gums (4): 1960s
[A boy wins his race at a school sports day, and his proud father has a flashback of Roger Bannister completing the first four-minute mile. The disheartened losers are given fruit gums, and one by one they break into huge smiles]
It’s the four-minute smile.
The longest lasting fruit gums in the world.
11.Rowntree’s Fruit Pastilles (2): 1961
(A housewife is tidying the lounge)
Men! They’re all the same … untidy, lazy … especially when it comes to doing something around the house!
(She spots a tube of Rowntree’s pastilles on the mantelshelf, next to a picture of hubby)
Still, Bill’s not so bad really I suppose. You know, it’s funny the things you remember … little things, like these pastilles he brings me — he knows I like them. Sounds a bit silly I suppose — it’s not to me!
Voiceover: Rowntree’s Fruit Pastilles with the tingle tongue taste — just a thought!
12.Gallaher’s Condor Tobacco: 1965
A man is sitting in a small sailing dinghy moored to a riverbank (“GALLAHER’s CONDOR”; is superimposed). He picks up a packet of Gallaher’s Condor Sliced tobacco, fills his pipe, sits back, lights up, and reclines.
Voiceover: Rich, slow-burning Condor — a man’s taste. Taste! That’s what a pipe-smoker wants from his tobacco, and Condor gives it richly! Condor! Real value at 5s. 11d. an ounce!
13.Hamlet cigars: 1964
Happiness is a cigar called Hamlet,
The mild cigar from Benson & Hedges
[Background music: Bach’s “Air on a G-string”]
14.Harlequin Cigars: 1965
Michael Medwin: These Harlequin cigars are super, and they’re not just made for actors on the telly. Harlequin are superb cigars, but they cost no more than twenty cigarettes!
[A tin of of the cigars and “HARLEQUIN FROM J.R.FREEMAN 5/- FOR 10” is superimposed]
Michael Medwin: You try Harlequin!
15.Cherry B
Music!Cherry B, Cherry B, Cherry B,
It’s the [something] drink with the (zing, zing, zing)
Cherry B, Cherry B, Cherry B,
It’s the [only] drink for me!Music!
16.Double Diamond 1968
Music!A Double Diamond works wonders, 
Works wonders, works wonders,
A Double Diamond works wonders,
So drink one today!Music!
[Tune: “There’s a hole in my bucket”]
17.Corona 1960
Music!Corona — sparkles up with joy,
Corona — for every girl and boy.
Come drink it up to the very last drop,
It’s got a sparkle in the middle
And a tingle at the top!
18.Pepsi 1967
Come alive! You’re in the Pepsi Generation!
19.Quosh 1963
Music!Quosh for flavour — Quosh for fun,
the party drink for everyone.
Orange (orange) lemon (lemon) — bitter lemon too!
It’s the capital taste with the capital Q —
It’s Quosh!Music!
20.Kellogg’s All-Bran (1): c.1960
Woman 1: It can’t be good for you, can it?
Woman 2: What?
Woman 1: All this soft starchy stuff.
Woman 2: Well, I hadn’t thought about it.
Woman 1: I was only saying yesterday, a balanced diet, that’s what we women need.
Woman 2 (Aside: She’s off again: We eat all wrong. Our food hasn’t got enough roughage — whatever that is. We should eat our vegetables raw, and on and on about keeping regular.)
It’s all very well for you. You never seem to get run down.
Woman 1: I think it’s time I told her about Kellogg’s All-Bran: the crisp and pleasant cereal that keeps a person regular because it provides the roughage that so many of us lack in our diet. All-Bran for breakfast. A much nicer way to keep your system regular than taking medicine
21.Kellogg’s Cornflakes (2): c.1967
Music!Good Morning, good morning,
The best to you each morning,
Sunshine breakfast, Kellogg’s Cornflakes,
Best for everyone.Music!
(Tune, written by Dave Lee, is said to have inspired John Lennon to write the song “Good Morning, Good Morning” on the Beatles Sergeant Pepper album after reading it on the box one day.)
22.Ty·Phoo tea (4): c.1967
England swings like the pendulums do,
Swinging chicks and swinging Ty·-Phoo.
Pour out a cup of it and you’ll agree,
Ty·Phoo’s Britain’s stingiest tea

23.Nesquik: c.1968

With an animated hatted chap called Mr Mix
Music!Drink a glass of Nesquik, Nesquik’s fun!Music!
24.Finn Shoes: c.1960
Finn shoes, the fine shoes that kiddies love to wear,
Finn shoes, the fine shoes that never need repair.

25.Gluv shoes: early 1960s
These shoes are Gluv — man-made shoes in Corfam.
Look! Egg, ketchup — even oil!
No problem!
Simply wash them … clean as new!
Gluv — man-made shoes in Corfam.

26.Hush Puppies 1960's
City gent: I certainly do wear them — they look just right with the clothes I wear! I’ve worn ordinary suede shoes for years — now I wear Hush Puppies. What a difference!
Housewife: Hush Puppies? I think they’re marvellous! I mean, with a hungry family I’ve a lot of shopping to do and my poor feet need more comfortable shoes. So easy to clean too!
Postman: Seventeen miles a day I walk! Seventeen perishing miles! It was murder before they invented Hush Puppies! Hush Puppies are so light and comfortable — they even seem to make the pavement softer!
Beauty Queen: Oh yes, I’ve got a pair of Hush Puppies — they’re lovely! Never make your feet ache … just like walking on … pink! (Giggle). I sometimes just don’t want to take them off!
Voiceover: Everybody’s in Hush Puppies nowadays! They’re so light and comfortable!

27.Playtex Body Language bra: early 1960s
If your bust looks like this—
And you’d like a bust that looks like this—
We’d like to show you something:
The new Body Language bra,
A bra that curves, shapes, enhances beautifully.
If you have a bust like this—
And you’d really like to look like this—
Try the new Body Language bra from Playtex,
Because the bust you always wanted is probably your own.

28.Playtex Girdle (3): 1967

“My girdle is killing me.”
Voice-over: She needs the new 18-hour girdle by Playtex. It’s made from a remarkable new fabric Playtex just invented. A delicate weaving with the strength to hold you firm all day. The first firm control girdle that’s comfortable for hours. The new 18 hour girdle — by Playtex.

29.Terylene: 1960s
Terylene — the cut, the fit, the finish, the quality, feel right on any man.
Styles, colours, and patterns to suit just you!
Shirts in so many colours and designs, fashioned for today …in Terylene!
It’s carefree and elegant … blazers, trousers, and suits.
The top choice of today’s man … naturally!
Terylene — from ICI.

30.Wonderbra (1) 1969
Music!Wonderful Wonderbra!
To be free and alive
Everywhere that you go,
Is to wear what you dare anywhere
And you travel with flair.
You care about the shape you’re in,
So does he, so does he,
Wonderful Wonderbra!Music!

31.Cadbury’s Chocolate Fingers (1): 1960s

They’re singular, they’re fingular,
They’re biscuits without any bends,
They’re long and little, they start at the middle
And come to a stop at the ends.
They’re long and thin
With a chocolate skin —
Like sticks in chocolate silk
But the most singular thing
In a finger is …
Cadbury’s Dairy Milk!

32.Cadbury’s Chocolate Fingers (2)
Music!Well I got these chocolate fingers now
And I know they’re gonna please,
They sure taste good, well I knew they would,
’Cos they’re made by Cadbury’s.

Well those fingers sure go quickly,
And I tell you kids they should,
’Cos when Cadbury’s make the chocolate,
It sure makes those fingers good
So the next time you buy fingers,
Make sure they’re just like these,
‘Cos the chocolate makes the fingers,
And the chocolate’s Cadbury’s!
33.Frys Chocolate spread
We love to be fed
On cakes and bread
and chocolate spread by Fry’s!
Surprise, surprise,
It’s chocolate spread by Fry’s!!

34.Mother’s Pride bread (4): 1969
Music!I’m a happy knocker-upper and I’m popular beside
’Cos I wake ’em with a cuppa … and tasty Mother’s Pride,
Then they’re up in a flash and a rush (it’s the bread)
And a dash and a push (it’s the bread)
With a flash and a dash and a rush and a push (I can say it’s the bread).
It’s the Mother’s Pride bread! It makes them love work!
They’re going berserk to get off to work!
It’s in the way I wake ’em by bringing to their side —
The bread (we freshly bake ’em!)….
Fantastic Mother’s Pride!Music!
[with Dusty Springfield]
35.Wonderloaf (3): mid-1960s
Music!When they make Wonderloaf
They make sure that Wonderloaf
Looks good, tastes good
And is always fresh,
Vans that deliver it
Make sure it’s fresh,
Shops that sell it
Make sure it’s fresh.Music!
If it’s fresher than Wonderloaf, it’s still in the oven!
36.Coty Lipstick (1960s)
A dancing mood, a gay new dress, and to match them both: Coty lipstick. Yes Coty lipstick colours are fashion-matched, each a perfect partner for one of the lovely new London shades. Choose your Coty lip colour from: Dahlia, Forest Fire, Coral Pink, Red Ribbon, Fresh Pink, Spun Gold, Gay Fuchsia, Rose Satin … and remember: Coty lipstick stays on longer, smooth, glowing, and extra brilliant! Ask for Coty Fashion Matched lipstick — in the heavenly candy-striped case!
37.Lux Soap (early 1960's)
Sandie Shaw: I asked if I could sing about Lux but they said: no, just use your own words. Well, I think New Lux is fantastic, and really new! It’s got a new wrapper and a wonderful new perfume — just the kind I go for! But what’s really marvellous about New Lux is the new silky lather! It seems more than just a lather, it feels like a rich cream, and leaves my complexion so soft and smooth! New Lux makes me feel really good all over … right down to my toes! Try it yourself — see how great it is!
38.Supersoft Shampoo (early 1960s)
Music!Supersoft, Supersoft shampoo …
Supersoft shampoo — with real French perfume!
(Price shown on sachet was 4d)

39.Kellogg’s All-Bran (1): c.1960
Woman 1: It can’t be good for you, can it?

Woman 2: What?
Woman 1: All this soft starchy stuff.
Woman 2: Well, I hadn’t thought about it.
Woman 1: I was only saying yesterday, a balanced diet, that’s what we women need.
Woman 2 (Aside: She’s off again: We eat all wrong. Our food hasn’t got enough roughage — whatever that is. We should eat our vegetables raw, and on and on about keeping regular.)
It’s all very well for you. You never seem to get run down.
Woman 1: I think it’s time I told her about Kellogg’s All-Bran: the crisp and pleasant cereal that keeps a person regular because it provides the roughage that so many of us lack in our diet. All-Bran for breakfast. A much nicer way to keep your system regular than taking medicine

40.Fairy Liquid (2): 1965
4-year-old girl using Fairy Liquid bottles to play skittles
Mother: Who’s got my Fairy Liquid?
Daughter: It’s for my skittles.
Mother: I couldn’t wash up without my Fairy Liquid.
Daughter: Why not?
Mother: Because it keeps my hands nice and soft.
Daughter: You don’t put it on your hands.
Mother: No, I put it in the water…
[goes on talking as she does the washing up]
Daughter: Here’s your bottle back.
Mother: Thank you. You can have it when it’s finished.
Daughter: Will you get another one then?
Mother: I expect so.
Music!Now hands that do dishes can feel soft as your face
With mild green Fairy Liquid.Music!
[With Kerry Jane Ogilvy as the mother]

41.Flash (2): 1960s
Voiceover: Here in his home, Woburn Abbey, is His Grace, the Duke of Bedford.
The Duke: Hello … we all enjoy having visitors and I have up to 40,000 a week! This, and being open every day of the year, gives me a big cleaning problem … so I’m very keen to see how Flash compares with washing powder in this floor-cleaning demonstration.
Voiceover: The Duke is watching two of the Abbey cleaners who have begun the test. One’s using Flash … the other an ordinary washing powder. On the washing powder side progress is slow … and all those suds will have to be rinsed off and wiped dry. But on the Flash side she just squeezes her mop very thoroughly and goes once over. Flash cleans fast with no rinsing, no wiping dry! Flash is well ahead now … and yes, the Flash side’s finished! Clean in half the time!
The Duke: Well that’s certainly showed how Flash saves work and time! After that impressive result I should say that it’s the best cleaner for any home!
Voiceover: For all those big cleaning jobs about the house … Flash cuts cleaning time in half!
Music!Flash cuts cleaning time in half.Music!

42.Handy Andy: c.1960

Handy Andy, strong little gentleman
Cleans the whole house faster than —
A whole lot of other cleaners can!
43.Persil (3): c.1960
Persil washes whiter — and it shows!

44.Vapona Fly Killer: 1960s
Ten thousand flies killed — fast as this: (clock registers 15 minutes)
It’s Vapona! A fly killer you can trust.
No other fly killer lasts longer than Vapona — from Shell!

45.Zal Disinfectant: 1960s
Music!Zal is freshness with a zing!
Everyday, yes, Zal’s the thing,
The dreamy, steamy smell of pine,
Zal disinfectant every time!
Zal hates germs, just kicks them out!
Leaves the smell of pine about,
You’ll notice the difference with everything!
Zal is freshness with a zing!Music!
[Sung by Matt Monroe]

46.Gallaher’s Condor Tobacco: 1965

A man is sitting in a small sailing dinghy moored to a riverbank (“GALLAHER’s CONDOR”; is superimposed). He picks up a packet of Gallaher’s Condor Sliced tobacco, fills his pipe, sits back, lights up, and reclines.
Voiceover: Rich, slow-burning Condor — a man’s taste. Taste! That’s what a pipe-smoker wants from his tobacco, and Condor gives it richly! Condor! Real value at 5s. 11d. an ounce!

47.Diana (magazine for girls): 1960s

Girls! It’s free!
The mermaid ring with the lovely pearly centre!
Free in Diana — the famous picture story paper for girls —
with exciting new ideas and stories —
fascinating features about wildlife, pony riding, swimming.
They’re all in Diana with the lovely free gift — the mermaid ring.
Diana — the big picture paper for girls!
Out tomorrow — sixpence!

48.TV Times (1): 1960s

Music!Don’t forget the TV Times,
Don’t forget the TV Times,
The only way to see
What’s coming on ITV
Is to go and get the TV Times.Music!
Get the TV Times every Friday — only fourpence!

49.Birds Eye Fish Fingers: 1967

Fresh from the Captain’s table!
[with Captain Birdseye]

50.Eggs (1): 1966

Rise ’n’ shine
Go to work on an egg
[series with Tony Hancock]
Where’s me soldiers?
Six eggs and only five soldiers!

51.Heinz baked beans (4): 1967

Mum: Sure you’ll be all right?
Daughter: Yes mum — I can do it (opens a can of Heinz beans)
Music!A million housewives every day
pick up a can of beans and say
“Beans means Heinz! “Music!
Mum: Rosemary’s quite a cook — she did the beans.
Son: Well if she’s a cook, I’m a magician.
Mum: Oh?
Son: Yes, just watch these beans disappear.
Music! A million housewives every day
pick up a can of beans and say
“Beans means Heinz! “Music!

52.Heinz 57 sauce and salad cream: early 1960s

Music! Heinz 57, Heinz 57,
You’ve got meals to plan each day,
You and Heinz can make it gay,
Get together right away,
With Heinz 57!Music!

53.Homepride flour: 1965
Graded grains make finer flour.
[with famous voice-over artists such as John Le Mesurier]

54.McDougall’s flour (2): 1960s
Music!McDougall’s, McDougall’s, McDougall’s, McDougall’s
Bakes super light, super light, super light,
Because McDougall’s is super sifted flour,
That’s why you and you and you all like it,
McDougall’s, McDougalls super light!Music!

55.Ski yoghurt: c.1960

Music!Ski, the full-of-fitness food,
Feel fit for anything.Music!

55.Whitworth’s dried fruit: 1960s

Music!In days of old,
Fruits were sold
That had to be washed by hand —
But now they are sold ready washed by Whitworths,
Whitworths are a girl’s best friend!Music!
[Tune: “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend”]

56.Shepherds of Gateshead (1960s)

Music!Shepherds of Gateshead the biggest and the best store,
Shepherds of Gateshead have what you are looking for,
There’s so much to see,
And the car park is free,
Coming shopping at Shepherds with the whole family!Music!

57.Woolworth (1): c.1960

Nothing over sixpence.

58.Hoover vacuum cleaner (2): mid-1960s

Little boy to his mates: We’ve got a Hoover 65!
59.Kennomeat (1): 1960s
Series of adverts featuring a fat dog called Albert and a thin one called Sidney, who reckoned that dogs employed their so-called owners. They gave advice on the management of their manservants Stanley and Hamish.
Man is a dog’s best friend – treat him right and he’ll never forget to bring home the Kennomeat!

60.Britvic Juices: c.1960

Cartoon man bouncing on his nose is interviewed during his marathon:
Interviewer: Mr Claude Thrush is nose-bouncing from York to Truro.
Claud Thrush chants: Britvic Juices are juicedly good!

61.Britvic 55: 1960s

55% pure orange juice — 100% sparkle!

62.Bird’s Eye Florida Orange Juice: 1969

Pour yourself a double before breakfast.
Sip it slowly.
Remember it’s concentrated 100% pure orange juice —
freshly squeezed and frozen.
Bird’s Eye Florida Orange Juice —
For the serious orange juice drinker!

63.Coca Cola/Coke (2): 1963
Things go better with Coca Cola,
Things go better with Coke!

64.Irn Bru (1): 1960s

(Mother is seated at the piano, husband and children sing along)
Mother: Ready everybody?
Music!Everybody in the world loves Irn Bru
(I do, I do — me too!)
Everybody in the world loves Irn Bru
(He does, she does — me does!)
Mother: And I ’specially love Irn Bru —
Even though I used to be a man —
Even though I used to be man!Music!
(Mother is then shown whistling while shaving)

65.Jubbly orange drink: 1950s/1960s

Lovely Jubbly!

65.Quosh (1): c.1963
Music!Quosh for flavour — Quosh for fun,
the party drink for everyone.
Orange (orange) lemon (lemon) — bitter lemon too!
It’s the capital taste with the capital Q —
It’s Quosh!Music!

66.Schweppes (1): 1962

(A child is dreaming on Christmas Eve. Jingle bells jingle and a sleigh with reindeer appears)
Music!Dashing through the snow
On a one horse open sleigh
Through the fields we go….Music!
Child: It has to be, it can only be!
Santa: Schhh… You-Know-Who! Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho!

67.Schweppes (2): 1963

[With “Top Secret” star William Franklyn as a secret agent]

68.Vimto: 1960s

It twinkles right up your nose!

69.Carnation Evaporated Milk (2): 1960

Music!All the family love Carnation
’Cos it’s double rich,
All the family love Carnation!Music!
Because Carnation makes even the simplest dishes taste wonderful, like this rice pudding made with one part double-rich Carnation to three parts water. It’s extra creamy, and to pamper the palate, pour Carnation over the pudding too. It’s delicious!
Music!Double rich, Carnation!Music!

70.Maxwell House coffee (2): 1960s

Look into the jar — it’s a deep rich brown —
’cause there’s coffee pot freshness all the way down!

71.Maxwell House coffee (4): c.1960

Cartoon showing two cars driving along a road in the same direction, one in each lane. They both manage to drive straight inside a removal lorry, where there is a convenient table, easy chairs and pot of coffee
Music!Americans drive on the right hand side
[twee voice] The En-glish on the left must ride
But when inside they both decide …
On America’s favourite coffee!Music!
Maxwell House!

72.Ovaltine (2): 1960s

(A mother baking gingerbread men)
A mother’s day belongs to her family, but round about eleven
there are a few precious moments she likes to call her own —
to relax and enjoy a cup of delicious Ovaltine.
Only Ovaltine has all the nourishing goodness of barley malt,
milk, eggs and added vitamins.
Ovaltine — enjoy it often — you can’t have too much of a good thing!

73.Ovaltine (3): 1960s

Every child has a built-in clock —
set at half-past breakfast and half-past dinner time —
and mother’s all ready with his cup of Ovaltine!
Only Ovaltine has all the nourishing goodness of barley malt,
milk, eggs and added vitamins.
Delicious Ovaltine! Always make it part of your day —
and your children’s too!
For as every mother knows — Ovaltine is good for a growing child —
and they can’t have too much of a good thing!

74.Ovaltine (4): 1960s

(The Olympics)
Ovaltine is the only food drink which has been officially
recognised for serving to competitors at every Olympic Games
since 1932.
Ovaltine — good for athletes — good for you!
75.Ovaltine (5): 1960s
(The farm)
Now more than ever the good things in hot nourishing Ovaltine
are vital to build up the body’s reserves that keep you healthy.
Drink Ovaltine — help put back what winter takes out of you!
Because no other drink gives you all the nourishment of farm eggs,
barley malt, and milk, and added vitamins all together in one delicious drink.
Only Ovaltine gives so much vital nourishment!
Drink Ovaltine and help bring back what winter takes out of you!

76.Premium Tea: 1960s

(featuring ‘Primo’, a little plasticine creature)
Music!Dum-dum dumde-dumde-dum dum dummmmm,
Gives you a sparkle, Premium Tea!Music!

77.Tea promotions: early 1960s

Music!Have you had a cuppa tea since tea time?Music!
Music!Join the Tea-ea Set!Music!
Series of advertisements, for example:
Tony Booth: They keep telling us to “join the tea set” but what would happen if they said, “Sorry, full up!”? Secret tea drinking, tea smuggling, tea orgies …. Drink tea now! Tomorrow’ll be too late!

78.Ty·Phoo tea (4): c.1967

England swings like the pendulums do,
Swinging chicks and swinging Ty·-Phoo.
Pour out a cup of it and you’ll agree,
Ty·Phoo’s Britain’s stingiest tea

79.Playtex Girdle (2): 1960s

Holds you in like firm young muscles.

80.Terylene: 1960s

Terylene — the cut, the fit, the finish, the quality, feel right on any man.
Styles, colours, and patterns to suit just you!
Shirts in so many colours and designs, fashioned for today …in Terylene!
It’s carefree and elegant … blazers, trousers, and suits.
The top choice of today’s man … naturally!
Terylene — from ICI.

81.Domestos (1): 1960s

Domestos kills all known germs dead!

82.Duraglit (silver/brass polish wadding): early 1960s

Music!Duraglit, Duraglit,
You should see the shine on it!
Buy Some, try some
Wonderful Duraglit!Music!

83.Flash (2): 1960s

Voiceover: Here in his home, Woburn Abbey, is His Grace, the Duke of Bedford.
The Duke: Hello … we all enjoy having visitors and I have up to 40,000 a week! This, and being open every day of the year, gives me a big cleaning problem … so I’m very keen to see how Flash compares with washing powder in this floor-cleaning demonstration.
Voiceover: The Duke is watching two of the Abbey cleaners who have begun the test. One’s using Flash … the other an ordinary washing powder. On the washing powder side progress is slow … and all those suds will have to be rinsed off and wiped dry. But on the Flash side she just squeezes her mop very thoroughly and goes once over. Flash cleans fast with no rinsing, no wiping dry! Flash is well ahead now … and yes, the Flash side’s finished! Clean in half the time!
The Duke: Well that’s certainly showed how Flash saves work and time! After that impressive result I should say that it’s the best cleaner for any home!
Voiceover: For all those big cleaning jobs about the house … Flash cuts cleaning time in half!
Music!Flash cuts cleaning time in half.Music!


keeps whites whiter than white,
colors sparkling white,
white without bleaching,
thats what we’re teaching.
There’s nothing like OXYDOL!!!

85.Persil (4): 1968/9

Music!Every day shines a little brighter
Persil aut-o-matic washes whiterMusic!
Tune: Buddy Holly’s “Every Day”

86.Rinso: 1966

(Women need sunglasses to look at clothes)
Music!New Sunshine Rinso, with sunshine whiteners,
Puts Rinso Sunshine in your machine!
Do all your washing with Rinso Sunshine.
Sunshine Whiteners, sunshine brighteners, Rinso clean!Music!
[Tune: You Are My Sunshine, My Only Sunshine]

87.Worthington Beer: 1960s

Music!Oh, what about a Worthington?
Britain’s finest beer.
What about a Worthington?
It makes you want to cheer
It’s clean and bright and full of life … Music!
(A man interjects something like) What about a kick in the rear?
Music!Oh What about a Worthington? … Music!


Aztec — A feast of a bar

89.Bounty (1)

Fancy a coconut?
I’d rather have a Bounty.
Bounty brings you tender coconut.
The taste of paradise!
The Bounty hunters —
They came in search of paradise.

90.Golden Wonder crisps (1): c.1969

Golden Wonder — they’re Jungle Fresh…
Golden Wonder — real Jungle Fresh…
When a fellow isn’t feeling very strong
Give a nut a nut….
Look out! People go wild…
Golden Wonder — they’re Jungle Fresh…
Golden Wonder — real Jungle Fresh….
[Tune: The Peanut Vendor]

91.White Heather chocolates (Pascall): c.1960

You can’t resist White Heather,
You can’t resist White Heather,
Chocolates and toffees, they’re sensational,
So temptional,
Everybody knows, you can’t resist White Heather.

92.Kellogg’s Cornflakes (3): late 1960s

Band of singersMusic!Open a box of Kellogg’s Cornflakes today!Music!
Young man:
Music!Corn, corn, corn in the morning
If I had my way
I’d start every day
With Kellogg’s Cornflakes.Music!
Band of singersMusic!Open a box of Kellogg’s Cornflakes today!Music!

93.Kellogg’s Rice Krispies (2): 1963

Music!Crisp barrels of rice,
Ready in a trice,
What’s the gayest breakfast?
Rice Krispies!Music!

94.Clairol Loving Care: early 1960s

How long has it been since your husband thought to bring you flowers? Could it be you seem older than you are?
Hate that grey? Wash it away!
Wash years away in minutes with Loving Care Hair Colour Lotion by Clairol. No mixing! No peroxide! Loving Care pours on right out of the bottle. Colours only the grey. Washes it away without changing your natural hair colour! Easy! Used about once a month — Loving Care keeps grey away so you can forget you ever had any. Just choose the tone most like your own. It won’t rub off and looks so fresh and natural.
Makes your husband feel younger too — just to look at you!

95.Colgate: 1967

… with Gardol.
Get the Colgate ring of confidence around you.

96.Fore Aftershave: 1969

Always the best for Georgie
Fore! men’s grooming aids
Mean, masculine — aftershave, hairspray, talc — the lot!
Fore! brings out the “best” in a man.
[with George Best]

97.Head & Shoulders (1): 1968
Lady: Call me Jenny. Free on Saturday as well?
Babysitter: Oh I’m free every night — with this.
Lady: What’s the problem? Dandruff? [Babysitter nods.] I’ve got something new for that — Head & Shoulders.
Babysitter: Head & Shoulders? Oh, a shampoo. The ones I’ve tried never seem to do anything for my dandruff.
Lady: This is a new one and it worked for me. Just use it regularly. Do try it.
Babysitter: Smells nice, great lather — great if it worked.
Lady: You look nice tonight — new sweater?
Babysitter: New hair, more like. I could never risk black before. Your Head & Shoulders really did work. So tonight’s for free.
Lady: All right, I’ll pay you double on Saturday.
Babysitter: Saturday? Oh, I’m sorry, I’m booked — with a fella.
Lady: I see. Well, just keep your head — and your shoulders.
Voiceover: New from Procter & Gamble: Head & Shoulders — a dandruff shampoo that works.
(With Sally Gleeson as the babysitter)

98.Radox bath salts: mid-1960s

Ease away those aches and pains.
Relax in a Radox bath.

99.Scotties: c.1960

Is there a cold in the house?
There is?! Two?! Never mind, extra soft Scotties are kind to tender noses.
Give your cold the gentle care of Scotties!
Soft, soft Scotties — with wet strength!
So blow as hard as you like — you’ll never blow a hole through a Scottie!
In white, softest pink, and yellow.

100.Bird’s Trifle (1): 1969

Trifle — cornerstone of the British Empire! When the people stopped bothering to make trifle, the Empire started to crumble … coincidence perhaps. But we at Birds Eye felt duty-bound to bring back the trifle. It’s a small beginning, but from little acorns mighty oaks do grow! Birds Eye trifle!
Music!Britons never, never, never shall be slaves!Music!

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