Monday 10 October 2011


My initial idea for Jenna's alphabet was to play on her fear of seaweed, I thought this would be an interesting approach because of the various shapes, I thought it would give me room to develop an unusual style of alphabet. However, I found the type face quite unrealistic and limiting and so decided to change direction.
After I had looked at seaweed I decided to look at Jenna's first memory of when she fell down the stairs. I thought this would generate quite interesting shapes when altering an already existing typeface, I did some initial sketches of stairs and spiral staircases and then added a similar image to certain fonts including Helvetica. I'm still going to play around with some basic ideas before I decide which one works best, although I like the instant first look of the stairs typeface better than the seaweed.

Other things I took away from the interview about Jenna:
Likes: going out with friends, smiley person, energetic, neat in terms of graphic design work and messy in general, just some small things I gathered from the interview.
I've decided to go in a different direction now, I had three main initial ideas, which go as followed:
-Seaweed typeface: After looking, in detail, at the answers from the interview I decided to take Jenna's fear of seaweed and using imagery from the seaweeds interesting shapes make a new typeface.
-Staircase typeface: After looking at the seaweed idea I then decided I wanted to do something different and so used Jenna's earliest memory of falling down the stairs to include basic step shapes in my letter forms.
Happy typeface: My final idea was the most simple but the one I found looked visually more appealing and worked best as an actual typeface. I used a basic font, Helvetica, and slightly edited the shape of each letter according to a certain characteristic I found out about Jenna in the interview task. The changes are subtle, the basic idea is I have the letter from and take a line that makes up one peice of the letter and curve it to symbolise a 'smile' as Jenna is quite a happy, smiley person.

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