Saturday, 4 May 2013


After the concept workshop we had to develop three concepts to show for the crit, these are my three final concepts:

NO 1
My first concept was to take a series of black and white images and lay them out as a sequence in order.  The main idea was to spell out 'showcase your work here' or 'watch this space' using British sign language.  The main idea behind this was that art (in this case, the poster exhibition) is all about looking and the visual aspect of it.
NO 2
My second concept is a very simple idea that would rely heavily on the quality of photography.  To create a clean and simple poster, mostly white space with a photograph of an old retro suitcase, and the tag line being 'showcase your work here.'  Bold typefaces and simple use of colours with some details about the exhibition below.
NO 3
My third concept is to use the game Tetris as a way to shape a tag line.  Design a poster based around the shapes and game of tetris with details about the exhibition and a header saying 'rotate your work to fit' or 'its taking shape.'  This relates to both the bi monthly exhibition and the game of tetris.

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