Sunday 2 December 2012


These are my scamp designs for the other remaining pages of the website I intend to make.  From digitally mocking up the homepage I now have a better understanding of the style and look I want the website to have, simple and clean accompanied with nice photography.

This is my design for the first page of my website, each page will have the page title name at the top with a quote about tea underneath it.  The navigation is across the centre of the page.  For my history page, content wise, I want to include the story of when tea was first discovered, old Chinese myths and when tea came to Europe.  the text will run centrally across the page.  I want to use tea photography in a circular shape, in keeping with the homepage, to break the text up a bit.
My culture page of the website will work in a similar way to the 'history' page, this is because these two pages hold the most information.  Information about different tea cultures in other countries, to break the text up again, I will have circular images related to tea culture from around the world, with the opacity lowered and 'Chinese Tea Culture' placed over the top of it.
This is the page I want to make, visually, look the most interesting.  My idea is to find interesting and aesthetically pleasing images of tea/tea culture etc. create a circular clipping mask and have the images in even rows.  When you hover over the image the opacity of the image is lowered and information on that specific tea is revealed.
 The last page of the website will have a video clip on of a one minute stop motion that I made for 'A history of' it shows a quick film of how to make a cup of tea.  A passage about tips for making the best cup of tea will be placed above it.

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