Sunday 9 December 2012


After changing the brief I had to answer the questions again to make them relevant to the new brief:
Why have you chosen to do it?
This brief was the most interesting for me, when reading the description I was interested in trying to create a pack design that looked fun and exciting, and because its a product I like I feel this will be easier to do.  I am within the target audience age boundary which will make it easier for primary research and allows me to consider design that would catch my eye for this type of product.  There is a lot of emphasis on 'feeling good' and being playful and friendly within the design, this is something that appeals to me, I want to create something that portrays this kind of mood.  Also the product is something I like and so will make it easier to appeal to people if I feel I'm being genuine.

What do you want to get out of it?
I want to create a design that is successful and exciting, raising brand awareness for the company , something that will raise brand awareness and help to cause excitement and interest around the product, I want to hopefully make my work look more professional as this is a live brief and hope to improve my designs for something that could possibly be used professionally and hopefully improve my portfolio.

What do you want to make?
I want to create a new, fun design, I have a few ideas for what I could create visually, the main imagery I have for this is fruit and focusing on 'Feeling Good' I was thinking of incorporating positive song lyrics into the design somehow, that will make people smile.  Eye catching colours and exciting designs plays on the whole 'playful, colourful' aspect of the brief requirements, however, I need to stay clear of making them look too childish as the target audience is 16-34.

Why do you want to enter it?
I feel like this brief appealed to me, the product and general nature of the campaign is something I find interesting and would like to try and broaden the appeal to a wider audience.  I feel like I could design something fitting for the brief.

What is the problem?
The biggest opportunity in our business is to raise awareness of our brand.  We know that when someone tries one of our drinks, they’ll give it a big thumbs up. The trouble is, currently only 2 out of 5 of our target market are aware of Feel Good Drinks when shown a picture of our bottle.  The companies brand is not well known enough, with better packaging design this could massively increase sales and the brand awareness.

What do they want you to do about it?
We  want to ensure that we strike the right balance between the communication that our drinks are healthy and having label designs which makes people smile and feel good. 
What is it trying to achieve?
It is trying to appeal more successfully to the target audience, to make its brand more well known and to create a new and exciting package design that will catch the eye of the public.

What are the 10 most important words in the brief?
Feel-Good, healthy, light hearted, brand awareness, friendly, fun, 16-34, smile, up beat, tasty.

What is the message?
1. People need to be aware of this brand
2. 16-34 year olds need to be engaged and purchase this brand
3. These drinks are healthy and tasty
4. 100% natural ingredients and never add sugar to our drinks
5. Feel good

Who is the audience?
1.16-34 year olds
2. Post graduates 
3. People who are willing to spend more for quality 
4. Fruit/smoothie lovers
5. Healthy, active young people

What is the context?
1. Cafes
2. Coffe shops
3. Supermarkets 
4. Workplace
5. The gym

What products are associated with it?
1. Fruit 
2. Glass bottles
3. Juice
4. Smile

What do you have to do? (IDENTIFY)
I have to create a successful packaging design that raises the brand identity of Feel Good Drinks and catches the eye of the target audience to increase sales for Feel Good Drinks.  I have to make the brand more well known to the target audience and encourage people to try this healthy and tasty drink.

What do you need to do? (UNDERSTAND)
I need to create a design that will appeal to the target audience but still be considered playful and light hearted.  I need to consider previous packaging design.

What can you do? (DEFINE)
I can work on a design that draws attention to this brand and makes the drink more exciting.

What could you do? (EVALUATE)
I can create a new and interesting design for the drinks that catches peoples eye and reflects the drink better than the current design.

What hasn't been done before? (INNOVATIVE)
Something effective with the design, or something that comes with the drink that is a novelty aspect to raise sales

What do I need to fulfil the brief?
  • Effective communication
  • Appealing and eye catching designs
  • Meeting the requirements of the brief 
  • Fresh ideas
  • Understanding the audience 
  • Meeting the deadline
  • Perfect presentation
  • Suitable format
  • Informed decisions 
  • Professional finish

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